Cognitive Therapy
Listening Ear
SLP team provides a practical, research-based approach to promote a child’s social, language and emergent literacy development during everyday interactions at home & in school and promote muscle condition and function.
Providing speech, feeding, and sensory solutions for children and adults who face obstacles in development.
Our Expertise Areas
Our Speech and Language Therapy Department combines expertise and experience to skillfully address a wide range of conditions.
Sensory impairments
Speech impairment
Articulation disorders
Cochlear rehabilitation
Delayed social skills
Cognitive Therapy Milestone
0 - 6 Months
Listens to own voice
Maintains eye contact
Responds to sound by smiling, head turning, startling
Responds to loud sounds
Express self by vocalizationns
Discriminate angry & friendly vocal tones
6-12 Months
Babbles Pa Pa, Ba Ba
Localizes sound source with accuracy
Longer attention span
Imitates physical actions
Appears to enjoy listening new words
1-2 Years
Auditory memory of one item at the end of a phrase/sentence
Mostly vowels present
Mainly producing front consonants (p, m, n, h, w)
Consonants (k, e, t, n, g) emerging
Enjoys sounds making toys & objects
Frequently asks a questons
2-3 Years
Uses some personal pronouns e.g. me, you
Consonants (f, y) emerging
Answers "wh" questions e.g. What's that? Who? What's doing?
Understands & answer "can you"?
Uses negative e.g. don't know
4 Years
Relays a message
Uses "when" & "how many" question
Can listen to a 10-15 minute story
Understands more difficult concepts
Constants (j, v, th) emerging
Uses more appropriate loudness
Uses how much? How? questions
5 Years
Understands adjectives (soft, hard etc.)
Uses well framed sentences
Generally Co-operates with play mates
Understands time sequence like yesterday, today, and tomorrow
Follows longer directions, book